a simplified approach to holistic management

Distance Work


The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched; they must be felt with the heart.
~Helen Keller

Distant sessions are a unique type of meditation, or prayer, using Reiki practice and symbols, done, as the name implies, from a distance.  They are quite powerful, and excellent results have been achieved.

I have a group prayer/healing list for clients, special requests, and global healing. This is done on a daily basis and I will be happy to include your requests.  Simply contact me with a name and brief description of
the situation needing remedy.

I am also available for individual, personalized distant healing.  Provide me with a name and circumstance surrounding your request, and view the Services page for more information.

A recipient of distant healing does not need to do anything, or even be aware of what time the healing is taking place, in order to receive the benefits. This allows you to request services not only for yourself, but for others in need.


Imagine a world where everyone is blessed by the presence of everyone else…

Just imagine how beautiful such a world would be.

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